Summer School: “Studies of migration and mobility in Europe” (MOBILE)

The research member of CULTURDES Drs. Raúl Travé Molero is attending the summer school “Studies of Migration and Mobility in Europe” (MOBILE) organized within the framework of Erasmus Intensive Programmes – one of the Lifelong Learning Programmes (LLP) – and with the support of Fundacja Rozwoju Systemu Edukacji (FRSE), Poland, to be held in Sopot (Poland) from August 11th through 24th, 2013.

«Culture and society in tourism contexts»

Culture and society in tourism contexts

The Head of Culturdes, Dr. Antonio Miguel Nogués Pedregal, has edited the volume Culture and society in tourism contexts in the Tourism Social Science Series (vol. 17) edited by Jafar Jafari and published by Emerald.


This book strives to understand the social and cultural dynamics in Mediterranean tourism destinations through ethnographic examples and case studies from places including Greece, Spain, Morocco, Croatia, Lebanon, France, and Crete. Exploring themes such as globalization, cosmopolitanism, leisure mobilities, power, and late capitalism, this volume analyzes the blurring edges of tourism and migration, the role the former plays in the dialogical construction of cultural identities, or how the interconnection between each of the diverse residing sociocultural groups influences the relation with other groups. The work of several social scientists, from different interdisciplinary backgrounds, over numerous years is documented using multiple research techniques to observe cultures and societies as they occur in daily practices. This analysis discovers how tourism characterizes the daily lives of social groups living in tourists’ destinations and how it offers a distinctive sense of collective memories, thus unfolding cultures and societies in tourism contexts.


Preface : “This PDF is © Emerald Group Publishing Limited and is provided for your own personal use only. It may not be used for resale, reprinting, systematic distribution, emailing, web hosting, including institutional repositories/archives or for any other commercial purpose without the permission of the publisher
Introduction, by A.-M. Nogués-Pedregal
1. Instrumental Cosmopolitanism: The ‘‘Valorization’’ of Heritage and Sociality in Mediterranean Cities, by Julie Scott
2. Touring the Frontier: Reinventing the Eastern Adriatic for Tourism, by Emilio Cocco
3. When the Desirable and the Feasible Converge Through Tourism Space, by A.-M. Nogués-Pedregal
4. Negotiating Marrakech: Postcolonial Travels in Morocco, by Lauren Wagner and Claudio Minca
5. Building Tourism in Costa Blanca: Second Homes, Second Chances?, by Antonio Aledo, Jens Kr. Steen Jacobsen and Leif Selstad
6. Across Social Categories and Boundaries: Transnational Mobilities and Interculturality, by Regina Römhild
7. Borders of (In)visibility in the Greek Aegean, by Heath Cabot and Ramona Lenz
Conclusion, by A.-M. Nogués-Pedregal


«El cronotopo del turismo: espacios y ritmos»

The researcher Dr. Antonio Miguel Nogués has published in the special issue Anthropology, Globalization and Ethnographic Practices of the Revista de Antropología Social, 21: 147-171, published by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, the article The chronotope of tourism: space and rhythms..

According to the World Tourism Organization, international tourism will reach one billion in 2012. This complex compound of practices and devices that we name ‘tourism’ is a distinctive way to use space (territory, landscape) and time (rhythm, occurrences). Tourism is an important globalizing agent because it contributes to extend globalization to where new information and communication technologies have not reached yet. Bakhtin’s concept of ‘chronotope’ is valuable to characterize the way spatial and time elements are combined in tourism contexts. The data induce that Tourism is the most perfect and sophisticated elaboration of Capitalism for it consumes places and territories, shapes landscapes and perpetuates dependency relationships. Besides, it also produces sense and meanings, it mediates place through tourism space and update spaces and rhythms according to the guiding principles of Global Market. To conclude some notes on the distinctiveness of anthropological practices as carried out in tourism environments are made.